
Course areas are provided to help DPE MEd Students who are interested in pursuing courses around a specific focus understand what courses are available from within the Department of Applied Psychology & Human Development (and what pre-requisite courses may be required to complete first).

Each course area includes the required two courses for the DPE MEd degree (APD1200H and APD2293H) and students may choose the remaining 8 courses from a list of carefully curated options. Students in all course areas will graduate with a Master of Education in Developmental Psychology & Education.

Course Areas:

  • Education & Special Education
  • Mental Health & Education
  • Mind, Brain, Development and Research

*Course Areas will not appear on your transcript or degree.

*MEd DPE students are not required to choose a course areas. These course areas are designed to help you choose courses around topic areas that interest you.

*MEd DPE students are not restricted to courses only within a selected course area, nor do they need to take all courses within a course area. Students are free to take courses across different course areas.

Education & Special Education

This course area is for students who want to understand how research is applied to teaching, learning, classrooms, schools, and educational policy.

If you are interested in various courses in this course area, it is strongly suggested that you complete courses APD1233H and APD1281H early in the program, as they are requisite courses for many electives listed below. 

Course code Course title
APD1210HY Research Practicum Course (full-year)
APD1211H Psychological Foundations of Early Development and Education
APD1217H Foundations of Proactive Behavioural and Cognitive-Behavioural Intervention in Children
APD1233H Cognitive Development and Applications
APD1249H Social-Emotional Development and Applications
APD1251H Reading in a Second Language
APD1271H Perspectives on Executive Functions in Education: From Theory to Practice
APD1272H Play and Education
APD1285H Psychology and Education of Children and Adolescents with Learning Disabilities
APD1286H Foundations of Literacty Development for School Age Children
APD1294H Technology, Psychology and Play
APD1296H Assessing School-Aged Language Learners
APD1281H Introduction to Special Education and Adaptive Instruction
APD2275H Technology for Adaptive Instruction and Special Education
APD2296H Reading and Writing Difficulties

A range of Master's Level Special Topics courses are also offered each year. 

Please note that many courses will have prerequisites that must be completed prior to enrolment. Please check the schedule online so that you can plan accordingly.

Mental Health Education

This course area is designed for students who want to understand how psychology can be applied to mental health and education.

Course code Course title
APD1210HY Research Practicum Course (full-year)
APD1213H Psychology & Education of Students with ADHD
APD1217H Foundations of Proactive Behavioural and Cognitive-Behavioural Intervention in Children
APD1231H Mindful Self-Compassion for Educators
APD1236H Developmental Psychopathology
APD1249H Social-Emotional Development and Applications
APD1256H Child Abuse: Intervention and Prevention
APD1273H Psychology & Education of Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder
APD1279H Preventative Interventions for Children at Risk
APD1285H Psychology & Education of Children and Adolescents with Learning Disabilities
APD1295H Adolescent Mental Health: An Examination of Risk and Resilience
APD1297H Mental Health in the Classroom: How Educators Can Help Our Most Vulnerable Students
APD1281H Introduction to Special Education and Adaptive Instruction

A range of Master's Level Special Topics courses are also offered each year.

Please note that many courses will have prerequisites that must be completed prior to enrolment. Please check the schedule online so that you can plan accordingly.

Mind, Brain, Development & Research in Applied Psychology

This course area is for students interested in learning more about research and basic psychological and educational science. 

Course code Course title
APD1206H Mind, Brain & Instruction
APD1210HY Research Practicum Course (full-year)
APD 1212H Basics to Program Evaluation in Social Sciences
APD1233H Cognitive Development and Applications
APD1235H Technology, Play, and Social Media in Adolescence
APD1236H Developmental Psychopathology
APD1249H Social-Emotional Development and Applications
JHC1251H Reading in a Second Language
APD1257H Child Development and Personal History
APD1271H Perspectives on Executive Functions in Education: From Theory to Practice
APD1280H Symbolic Development and Learning
APD1286H Foundations of Literacy Development for School Age Children
APD1298H Imagination, Reasoning and Learning
APD3202H A Foundation of Program Evaluation in Social Sciences (Research Methods)
APD3221H Cross-cultural Perspectives on Children's Problems
JOI1287H Introduction to Applied Statistics (Research Methods)
JOI1288H Intermediate Statistics and Research Design (Research Methods)

A range of Master's Level Special Topics courses are also offered each year. 

Please note that many courses will have prerequisites that must be completed prior to enrolment. Please check the schedule online so that you can plan accordingly.